Where would you like to help serve your church?
Below is a list of Groups and Ministries that serve St. John the Evangelist Parish.
If you are interested in sharing time and talent, contact the Parish Office, 786-8105.
Contact Deacon David Picard to learn about helping local refugees.
The Right To Life Ministry shows and brings God's Love and Mercy to those among us by providing programs that educate, address legal concerns and support the life and dignity of every person. We support the premise that life must be respected and protected at every stage and in every condition. The right to life is the first and most fundamental human right. All Catholics must actively work for a world of greater respect for human life and a greater commitment to justice and peace.
Volunteers are always needed to promote the Right to Life cause. If you want more information or to volunteer contact our Rectory office.
Pro Life Ministry – Saint John the Evangelist Church (stjohnagawam.com)
Volunteers from our parish provide spiritual support to the incarcerated. This is a spiritual work of mercy.
Donate items for the West Springfield Open Pantry, Springfield Rescue Mission, and Bethlehem House.
See the bulletin for specific items and time frames.
Some of our St. John families would appreciate having suitable dressy clothing for Mass.
Watch for information about Sunday Best Clothing Exchange events.
The Take and Eat Ministry puts "feet" on the Gospel by preparing and delivering nutritious meals to the elderly and homebound of Agawam three Sundays a month. Along with each meal we also serve a homemade dessert and give a cheerful card. Delivery drivers will provide social interaction, a spiritual connection and a general wellness check for those who are served. We welcome new food preparers and drivers! For more information or to volunteer contact our Rectory office.
FORMED is new at St. John's and is a gift to all in our Parish
FORMED is a great online resource that is available by subscription. On the FORMED website you will find just about everything and anything related to the Catholic Faith. It is great for personal study, parish based small groups, family discussion and outreach to loved ones who may no longer be practicing the Faith. It's valuable for youth ministry, sacramental and marriage preparation, adult faith formation, RCIA and more. Check it out! For more information about FORMED contact our Rectory office. Details about subscribing to and using FORMED are available HERE.SPIRITUAL LIFE
These words are the motto of the St. John's Altar Server Corps, and we are always in need of young people who desire to make that motto their own. At St. John's you have the opportunity to celebrate the Mass in the Ordinary Form, the Ordinary Form ad orientam, and the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Mass. We meet regularly for training and recognition of servers as they grow in knowledge.Discipline (doing their work well and knowing why they do it) Dedication (regular service as well as number of years served) Devotion (knowing the Faith of which the Holy Mass is such an integral part)
Won't you join us? To Join the Altar Server Corps contact our Rectory office.
The lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. A lector may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings. If you would like to know more about the function of Lector or to volunteer as a Lector contact our Rectory office. Training is provided.
Ushers at St. John's will provide a welcoming environment for those who attend any of our liturgies. Their job is to attend to the needs of those requiring direction or special assistance in addition to assisting guests in search of seating. They gather the collection, hand out bulletins, and assist during emergencies. New volunteers to the position of usher are always welcome. If you would like to know more about becoming an usher or to volunteer contact our Rectory office.
We Can All Sing!
At St. John's we are always looking for volunteers to round out our music ministry. If you have any musical talent or if you can sing in the shower, we are interested in talking with you. If you would like more information about music at St. John's or would like to volunteer please contact our Rectory office.We take great pride in the appearance of our Church. As an environmental sacristan you will support the creation and assembly of decorations and adornments for the sanctuary, the altar, and other areas of the Church for each of the particular liturgical seasons especially Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. This ministry brings much pleasure to our Parishioners and it can be very fulfilling to you who volunteer. If you would like to know more or to volunteer contact our Rectory office.
Marriage Preparation at St. John's is a series of six sessions which is part of the Beloved Series, an Augustine Institute Production found on the FORMED.org website. Couples will trace God's plan for marriage and find their unique and vital place within His plan.
We have a team of trained facilitators from the parish who lead the couples through the sessions. Couples will tackle various pressing concerns of marriage from dealing with conflict to fostering intimacy to grow on the graces available to them in their marriages. Couples should sign up in the parish office at least one year prior to their marriage.
From time to time the marriage preparation team seeks to add new members to the team. If you are interested please contact our Rectory office.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA, expresses the essential mission of the Catholic Church: to draw people to the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. RCIA is a journey and process whereby adults and families are welcomed and received into the Roman Catholic Church. Through the RCIA, participants will learn how to enter into a deeper relationship with God and how to be faithful Disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ which have been preserved for more than 2000 years in the Catholic Church.
If you, or someone you know, would like to participate in the RCIA program please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Baptismal preparation at St. John's has several goals:
We provide teaching based on the understanding of Baptism and the Baptismal Rite and its symbols. We provide a positive experience of the parish community for the parents. We provide teaching and witness by lay catechists on the duties and opportunities in Catholic parenting. We strive to connect the family with the parish community by explaining and inviting participation in ongoing parish services and activities such as schedule of Liturgical Worship, Adult Education, and Religious Education. We will provide young candidates (age 3-6) with age appropriate catechesis in preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Communion. For more information about preparing for Baptism contact our Rectory office.
The Guild is open to women parishioners of Saint John's. We meet seven times a year from September through May except January and February on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. A fellowship and service club which helps to fund special projects requested by the pastor. We participate in the Holiday Bazaar and offer community building opportunities such as dinners, potlucks, speakers, and movie and game nights. For more information about St. John's Guild or to join contact our Rectory office.
St. John's is proud to offer space for the Scouts to meet and conduct their activities. If Scouting is something your son or daughter is interested in, or if you would like to know more about the Scouts at St. John's please contact the Rectory office.
Stay active with Ladies’ exercise!
Mondays, Thursdays, 5:30 pm: Exercise – the cost is $9/class
Advanced tap (Mondays, 6:15 pm): $15/class
Beginner Tap (Thursdays, 6:15 pm): $15/class (Begins December 1st)