
Take and Eat Ministry (Kitchen, FJR)

The Take and Eat Ministry provides hot meals for Agawam residents in need. This ministry meets the first three Sundays of the month. See Deacon Dave for additional details. Instead of meeting on April 9th, Take and Eat will prepare and deliver meals on April 8th.


CCD – Grades Prek-8 (LC)

Pre-K - 8th Grades meet in the Lower Church, Sundays, 9 am - 10:15 am Unless otherwise noted, Grades 9-11 meet in the Pastoral Center at 6 pm on Sundays.


Bible Study and Meal (Fellowship) – FJR

Join Deacon Dave Picard as we explore the Sermon on the Mount. It's a Sunday mini-retreat! prayer, bible study, fellowship, food... and you can top it off with prayer time in the Church (5:30-6:30 pm). Call the office to register (FREE), 786-8105.